Modern science has been transformed by DNA technology

DNA technology

DNA, or an organism's genetic information, which is passed down from generation to generation, contains many signals that have helped scientists solve some of the puzzles surrounding human behavior, disease, development, and aging.

Cloning, PCR, recombinant DNA technology, DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy, DNA microarray technology, and DNA profiling are just a few of the recent developments in DNA technology that already have started to affect medicine, forensic science, environmental science, and public safety.

DNA testing has become commonplace.

Moore's Law hasn't kept pace with the expense of DNA sequencing.

DNA sequencing becomes increasingly accessible and opens up new use cases, such as the wider adoption of population sequencing, with an expected cost of $100 in the near future.

Genomic insights open up fundamental possibilities such as:

Non-invasive prenatal testing is one example of screening.

Forecasting a person's proclivity for a sickness;

Customised medicine, which provides the best therapy for an illness

The use of recombinant DNA technology to change an organism's genetic composition is referred to as genetic engineering.

By managing breeding and selecting children with desired qualities, people have traditionally modified genomes indirectly. 

Direct manipulation of one or more genes is involved in genetic engineering.

So when it comes to the future of DNA technology and Gene engineering. Here we have several of the genetic engineering topics of study

1. Medicine,

2. agriculture,

3. Animal husbandry, as well as the environment, are all areas of study.

4. Academic research is done to broaden the scope of knowledge rather than to apply it to specific fields of activity. Academic research is carried out not just at medical and academic institutions, but also in some of the world's largest pharmaceutical and chemical corporations.


For those with the required abilities and competencies in the various interconnected sectors of biotechnology and genetics, there are increasing opportunities in India and overseas.

Scientists and researchers in the field of genetic engineering typically work at university and research institute research labs.

Some even enter the biotech industry's R&D department.

The above has proved that the knowledge of DNA and gene can open a wider door of scope in the future.