Certificate Program in Food Microbiology & Probiotics: Batch2
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1 Month Internship Program on Food Microbiology & Probiotics cover

1 Month Internship Program on Food Microbiology & Probiotics

Instructor: Dr. Kusum

Language: English

Validity Period: Lifetime

$150 80% OFF



Probiotics are usually defined as microbial food supplements with beneficial effects on the consumers. Most probiotics fall into the group of organisms' known as lactic acid-producing bacteria and are normally consumed in the form of yogurt, fermented milks or other fermented foods. Some of the beneficial effect of lactic acid bacteria consumption include: (i) improving intestinal tract health; (ii) enhancing the immune system, synthesizing and enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients; (iii) reducing symptoms of lactose intolerance, decreasing the prevalence of allergy in susceptible individuals; and (iv) reducing risk of certain cancers. The mechanisms by which probiotics exert their effects are largely unknown, but may involve modifying gut pH, antagonizing pathogens through production of antimicrobial compounds, competing for pathogen binding and receptor sites as well as for available nutrients and growth factors, stimulating immunomodulatory cells, and producing lactase. Selection criteria, efficacy, food and supplement sources and safety issues around probiotics are reviewed. Recent scientific investigation has supported the important role of probiotics as a part of a healthy diet for human as well as for animals and may be an avenue to provide a safe, cost effective, and 'natural' approach that adds a barrier against microbial infection. 


Duration- 1 Month(Tue-Thurs-Sat)

Starting from: 26h April 2023

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What Benefits are you going to get from this course?



  • Flexible Schedule
  • Earn an Industry recognized Certificate.
  • Hands-on Projects to practice various concepts & tools, evaluated by our lead trainer.
  • You can access the session from anywhere without any hassle.
  •  Missed any live session? Have the recording of that session
  • Get weekly assignments & live projects to build confidence in applying the learning, to produce real results
  • Hand-outs will be given to help you maximize the value of online sessions
  • Beat the rising competition for enormous career options in the Technical sector.
  • Best quality content which is latest and up-to-date with the industry standards
  • Implement strategies - the super-secret way.
  • Learning experience from experienced and certified Trainers.
  • Increase TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE to get in the industry after engineering with this amazing strategy.



Food Microbiologist: Job Description, Duties and Requirements


A food microbiologist performs various research and experiments, determining food safety and how to sustain it. A minimum of a bachelor's degree in food science or biology is required—many jobs demand a graduate degree.


Essential Information

Food microbiologists work on the front line of food safety. Employed by food manufacturers, the government, and universities, these specialists study food-borne pathogens and work on disease prevention. Their research ensures food products abide by government regulations regarding food health and safety. Food microbiologists may need an advanced degree for some positions.

Job Duties

Food microbiologists research micro-organisms in food and are tasked primarily with preventing food-borne diseases. They study food poisoning, spoilage, and preservation, as well as participating in food legislation establishment and enforcement. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) describes the main task of food microbiologists as ensuring the safety of food products (www.fsis.usda.gov).

Above all, food microbiologists focus on how microbes harm food. Food microbiologists employed in the food manufacturing industry observe how the processing and packaging of food products affects food preservation over time. They implement improvements that ensure food manufacturers are complying with government food safety regulations. Those working for the government might serve as researchers in a laboratory, or function as educators to raise public awareness of disease prevention.

Food microbiologists employed by universities typically split their job duties between their own research projects and teaching courses. Food microbiology researchers may coordinate projects from monitoring the growth of bacteria cultures to checking raw food for pathogens. Organizations like the National Center for Food Safety and Technology (NCFST) coordinate the efforts of food microbiologists with those of nutritionists, food processors, and manufacturers (www.iit.edu/ifsh).Their research also informs food processors about how to enhance the quality of their food products.


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