Google Ads
6-1 How Google Ads Work?
6-2 Google dosen't want you to give customers
6-3 Google Ads are not working what to do?
6-4 The Parameters in detail
6-5 Quality Score Matters a lot
6-6 What is Ad Position
6-7 First 3 Postions Matter to you right
6-8 Lets understand the Google Ads Structure
6-9 Step by Step of Google ads starts here
6-10 Lets dive in Seriously from here
6-11 Here it starts with Campaings
6-12 Types of Audiences indetail
6-13 Affinity audience means?
6-14 More about custom affinity all in detail
6-15 Whats in Inmarket audiences
6-16 How should we budget
6-17 Here starts your conversion settings
6-18 Here ends your conversion settings
6-19 What is Google Extentions
6-20 Quick recap of campagin level settings
6-22 How to get thourgh with keyword types
6-23 some important notes on critisism and url settings
6-24 Few important things about dynamic search copy
6-25 Search ads recap and intro to display ads
6-26 How about Display ads in Practical
6-27 Lets continue the good work
6-28 Adgroup level of display advertizment
6-29 Responsive and fixed ad types
6-30 All about Google Ads tool
6-31 More about your Google Tools
6-32 Interface more in detail
6-33 I forgot but I did not skip this
6-34 Google Tag manager matters for tracking