The Art of Writing an effective research paper & publishing it
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The Art of Writing a research paper & Its publication: Self learning course cover

The Art of Writing a research paper & Its publication: Self learning course

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Instructor: Dr. Gnaneshwar

Language: English

Validity Period: Lifetime

$80 81% OFF


About the course: Over the years,  the expectation for publishing research papers has increased significantly in academia, in professional communities, and in science and technology disciplines worldwide.

In  scientific fields (especially in academia), both graduate students and faculty are expected to publish the results of their research work in journals and conference proceedings.  Publication of  research or journal papers has also become a key measure for tenure and promotion assessments . An increasing number of highly ranked universities, worldwide, now require publication of papers in SCI indexed journals as a per-requisite to receive a doctoral degree.

Unfortunately,  despite the widespread standard of writing and publishing research papers, most  Universities don’t offer any formal training or mentorship on how to write  effective papers.  The lack of guidance  and resources has made it difficult, and at times frustrating, for graduate  students and young researchers to properly organize and structure their papers  for acceptance into publications.

Whether you  are a graduate student, conducting research, working towards a tenure, or you  would like to advance your professional career in science, technology or  academia, you will find this course greatly helpful.  You will no longer have to struggle or spend  countless hours figuring out how to start your research paper, only to have it  turn out not as good as you hoped.

If you are a  beginner, you can simply follow along with the easy steps outlining each  section of your paper; even if you are more experienced, you may be surprised  at how much you can improve your research writing technique from the strategies  and examples presented in the course videos.

This “Writing Research Papers: How to Write  Research Paper Effectively” course will provide you with the valuable research guidance from a scholar with over 20 years of experience in research and  teaching in higher education. Dr. Raghunandan has published over 90 technical and professional  papers,3 advanced level text books, has presented numerous workshops worldwide on this topic.

Take this Writing Research Papers course now  and learn how to write research paper effectively. 

Eligibility: All UG/PG Life Science, Biotechnology, Botany, Bio science,Biochemistry, Pharma, PHD scholar , Professor, Bio Medical all science background can apply in this course.

What will you learn:

Basic Idiology of publication
Most required skill for writing research papers
How to publish the papers free of cost
Thesis writing skill
How you can earn through your research paper
Freelancing work opportunities

Duration: 6 Days workshop (2 Hours a day)


All participants will get DBT recognized & NSDC approved Learntoupgrade certificate.

How to purchase the course:

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Get the recording access for the lifetime
Many publication samples will be shared
A quality industry certificate 

Note: Fee is Dynamic, In future you can see the increase in fee .

Contact: In case any query get in touch with us on whatsapp: +91 7290079907


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